Why You Should Use Whole House Surge Protectors in Philadelphia, PA?

With the large assortment of electronics commonly found in most homes, having the right protection against electrical surges is essential. Without proper surge protection, a lighting strike or other electrical disturbance could damage the electronic systems in your home, leaving them inoperable. That is why installing whole house surge protectors in Philadelphia, PA, is so important. With full surge protection, the devices in your home will be protected from the damaging effects of electrical surges.

Protecting Against Internal Surges

While lightning strikes can cause significant damage, the majority of electrical surges are much less powerful and come from within your home. These short power surges, often referred to as transient, generally come from your home’s appliances – such as the motor in your air conditioner or refrigerator. While these surges may not cause major damage, they can degrade the performance of electronics and appliances over time, shortening their effective lifespan. However, with a whole house surge protector, these transient surges are mitigated, protecting your devices from adverse long-term effects.

To learn more about the advantages of installing a surge protector on your home, turn to Eagle Electric. Our experienced technicians are always ready to provide you with the full home electrical protection you require.

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